2006 Canadian Checker Association Open Tournament

Change in date - to later in the summer, on account of there being no accommodations
in or around Hamilton for 3 weeks in a row. Will get info to you in a month or so.

in Hamilton , Ontario. 
Canadian Checker Association Open Tournament Friday, June
30, Saturday, July 1 - Canada day, and Sunday, July 2, 2006. In the
Hamilton, Ontario area--if not in Hamilton, nearby.

Friday - Saturday - Sunday  (June 30th, July 1st & 2nd, 2006) is Changed to Later in Summer



 2006 Canadian Open Checker Tournament

Friday, October 20 - Sunday, October 22 in Hamilton, Ontario at the Ramada.

Ken Shoesmith will direct the tournament.
7 Rounds will be of 2 games (1 opening) using the 156 openings to allow participants to play more opponents; present
plans are to score by games-2 points for a win; 1 for a draw.

1. $1,000 toward the prize fund.
2. Free food, beverage, dessert for one lunch.
3. A pen-watch set (valued at $100)  to the first 10 players to register. 
We expect to have many more prizes, incentives.  If you think you might be interested in playing, please e-mail Ken Shoesmith - kshoesmith@cogeco-ca  7 Moonglow Place, Dundas, Ontario, Canada L9H 3R6,  905-628-2006.  Sponsored by the Canadian Checker Association, Ken Shoesmith, President, Leroy Adams, Vice President, William Carter, newsletter editor; tentatively, Ron King plans to come.

Alan Millhone attended 2 years ago and had an excellent time at this tournament. He said, "Please support our Checker Playing Brethren up North."


1. A. Moiseyev - 17
2. R. Beckwith - 11
                                            3. E. Morrison - 10  (new Canadian Champion)
4. L Adams - 9
5. A. Millhone - 8
6. K. Shoesmith - 5

This was an excellent wonderful checkers event I ever had. I am glad I didn't miss it this year.

I was lucky to win both games against Leroy Adams, Earl Morrison and Alan Millhone, and one game against the greatest survivor Laughing Ken Shoesmith. I will put games under other forum session.

Respectfully,  Alex Moiseyev

2006 Tournament Dates